Life has its ups and down. It can easily turn a pretty face or a happy person into a sad and a moody fellow. Sometimes just as you are done dealing with a challenge out of no where comes others. The question is what then do you do? Many times the devil deceive believers to think that they go through tough times because God Has forgotten about them or they are being punished. The reason is that many believers do not read the Bible or Christian literatures. Once you read, you will understand that there is nothing new under the sun.
For instance, if you know the story of Job one may say that God is with you even more in the darkest moments of your life. Remember in Job’s case God was fully aware of everything the devil was doing, and He Had a rescue plan and a greater blessing for His servant. You should never give up on your past mistakes, failure or disappointment because God expect you to rise up as He Has equipped you with His word and you can equally go before Him to receive the grace and mercy you need for your life.
God Has assured you in His word in Isaiah 41:10, that He will be with you till the end of time. This is enough to keep you through life. In fact no one on this earth can boldly give such a promise except the LORD. It does not matter the number of times you fall but what matters most is your ability to rise up and face the world. This is very important because once you loose hope you have lost your grip on life. To make it and become great you must be determined to overcome tough battles in life.
Keep on fighting, trying and believing in God that your best days are ahead of you once you have life. Avoid giving up because that is exactly what your enemies want. God richly bless you.
Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. Micah 7:8